Thursday, May 12, 2011

Brilliantly Slow To Go...

Today, I'm joining everyone over at Kind Over Matter for...

This week's theme...  Looking Up...

I took this photo this morning... I wasn't sure what subject matter to use at first.  Indeed, the sky is a bright, brilliant blue today, but that just didn't seem enough.  So, I took this one...

This is the tree behind our house.  It's budding, but like so many trees here in the North Country, it's still quite bare.  That, mixed with the brilliance of the sky and sun, illustrates what spring is like here.  Brilliantly slow to go. lol

To all of you dropping by today... WELCOME!  Welcome to my newest spot on the web.  My creative spot.  It's still a little sparse, but it, like my personal/life blog Hiccups In Time, will grow with care and time.

For the time being, though...  If you are a visual artist, crafter, writer... I hope you'll consider linking up to the Kreatives Kafe, a budding new directory for creatives to connect with one another.  Feel free to link up your blog/website, Etsy page, Twitter account, and Facebook Fan Page.  One or ALL, it is all great!  Please help me to make it one of the biggest resources on the net for finding and connecting with other creatives.  There's even a button you can grab to share with others.  Thank you!

And thank you for dropping by today!  I truly look forward to seeing you again, hopefully, soon!


Amanda said...

Pretty Morning & Photo! Thank you so much for submitting & congrats on your new space! xoxox

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