Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Taking Baby Steps In Creativity

I have grand plans and schemes where my creativity and photography are concerned.  This past week, though, I've realized - despite having been a shutterbug for most of my life - how much I don't know, but want to know.  And looking at all of it rather sends me into overwhelm...

In the past, this would have likely caused me to choke, paralyzed me with doubt.  Instead, I'm looking at it as a grand adventure.  More to learn, which has my inner techie jumping with joy.

Still... I look at the things I've proposed to undertake/participate in, and... I have to admit that I'm a bit intimidated.  That, too, would have paralyzed me into inactivity in the past.  Not this time...

I want to become more skilled where my photography is concerned, and the only way to do that is to actually DO it, right?  Practice, practice, PRACTICE.  That's what I've been reading.  That's the only way I'm going to accomplish it.  So, that's what I'm doing.

Instead of participating in the Hops and Carnivals as I had planned, I'm going to take a baby step toward them... I'm going to start my week out by posting a picture that I took this past weekend. This will be my "before".  I'll do a bit of editing on it in the next couple of days (beyond the watermark) and post the "after" on Thursday.  It's a definite start, at least. *grin*

Our Beagle puppy, Lugh...  He loves sitting outside and watching the world move around him.

This one won't take too much work.  I think it came out pretty good SOOC.  The colors could pop a little bit more, I'm thinkin'.

So, there it is... I shall be back on Thursday with the final "product" and an explanation (in Gimp) of what I did.

See you then!