Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Playing Around With Gimp

So, one of the things that I'm working on is something of a combination pack, I guess you could say.  I'm working on my photographic skills...  Admittedly, I could be working harder on it, but it will come in time. And the other thing is my photo editing skills.

I've really enjoyed graphics manipulation...  Ever since I first started learning how to do it.  Never became too much of an expert, really, but I enjoyed making icons and avatars when I used to hang out on Live Journal, Greatest Journal, and Insane Journal a lot.  (At different periods of time, of course.)

So, this was something of a natural progression, I suppose...

Now, I have a Mac these days.  When I had a PC, I used to use PSP.  When I switched to the Mac, I had to find something that I could use, but that wouldn't cost me an arm and a couple of legs.  I found Gimp, but had to figure the program out and became rather discouraged at times, but used it for a project or two.  Last night, though, I decided to really begin to learn how to use it...  So, I went tutorial hunting.  I found several things, but the one that I decided to give a go was a selective colorization tutorial over on written by Eric R. Jeschke.

This was my original photo...

This was my finished photo...  

I love it!  Will definitely have to do more in the future... Registered & Protected